Apr 8, 2010

Dalton Rooney

i've really neglected this place the past few months. seems i say that here often. i have a lot going on - beginning to see that it's too much - and organizing my thoughts has been difficult.

a moment ago i completed a survey about blogging for liveBooks, and their RESOLVE blog. it got me thinking about why i started this blog in the first place (5 years ago), and the evolution it has taken over time. at it's best it has been, for me, a way to work through things photographically, show works in process, and celebrate other photographers who i believe are doing good work, and help me see things more clearly.

this brings me to Dalton Rooney's new work - outer lands. as, i said a moment ago, much of the work i post here is work that inspires me, in that it accomplishes something i, myself, struggle with or am thinking about. Dalton's work in general speaks to a quietness, and subtly that i find lacking in so much work recently. mine included. the inclination to go for the knockout punch, versus letting work simmer, and build slowly is something i find infinitely interesting, and frustrating technically. Dalton has taken a difficult road here, and navigated it well. his work makes me pause, look deeper, and ultimately find great satisfaction.

all images © Dalton Rooney

1 comment:

patcaribou said...

that guy's work has really grown on me...his photos of urban "wilderness" around NYC are a helluva lot more interesting than Meyorwitz's stuff.

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