big news here at the headquarters - Dea and I are leaving Fairbanks in December, and moving to Juneau! she defended her thesis two weeks ago, and accepted a great job the same week.
i'll go much more into all of this later, as there are so many things i want to talk about. this change will be good on many fronts, but i'm excited to see how the move, the environment, and the perspective help my photographs.
in the meantime, to help with our move South, i'm offering a print for sale. this image of the forlorn Christmas tree here on College Road is a monument. i've driven past it almost daily, every winter for five years. it sums up so much of what i love about Fairbanks - its quirky, and cold, and unabashedly proud.
i'm offering an edition of 30 8x10 archival pigment prints for $50 + s/h.
Also, i have 3 left in an edition of 9 at 16x20 - email me if you are interested.
stay tuned here for much more news, photos, and such as i wrap my head around things.
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